My Story
Following a diverse and successful career in Corporate Sales management, that spanned over 30 years I took a leap of faith in 2018 to follow my passion and soul purpose to pursue a career in Health and Well-being.
From an early age I felt a real affinity to the angelic realm, and as I matured I found myself making most of my life decisions based on intuition and energetic vibration.
I always felt that I was on earth for a reason and although I managed to climb the corporate ladder with great success, the sense of misalignment to my life purpose grew.
Becoming vegetarian at 14, I learnt early on the importance of nutrition and eating a healthy balanced diet.
In 1998 I took my first steps into studying in the arena of health and well-being, qualifying as a fitness instructor from the University of Limerick in Ireland.
From there I went on to study Reiki and Meditation,
I have practiced Iyenger Yoga for many years and it has enabled me to listen to my body more and awakened further in me a desire to search out other modalities to help handle my stress levels and minor health issues. My go to therapies were Traditional Chinese Medicine, Reflexology and Reiki. By combining these with meditation and Yoga I felt a closer connection with my overall physical, mental and emotional health and well-being.
My life ambition had always been to live in Spain and following an inspiring astrology consultation with Andrew Smith from the Blue Rose Astrology School in Ireland in 2008, I finally began to understand why I felt compelled to be doing something more with my life.
Astrology opened my eyes to my inner soul potential why certain patterns in my life were unfolding and gave me the impetus I needed to begin to study those modalities of well-being I had gravitated to and therefore begin my path of development to fulfill my souls purpose.
In 2011 I moved with my husband and 2 children to Spain and continued my studies there in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Reflexology.
I studied Astrology with the Blue Rose Astrology School and my consultations form an integral part of my holistic practice.
During my corporate mgmt career my inclusive leadership focus was always on maximizing the potential of people by inspiring and understanding their aspirations and aligning them to business priorities.
My Approach
I spent several years studying and combining my learnings in class with my life lessons to enable me to build a practice focused on Astrology, Energy Therapies, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Coaching.
I’m a passionate coach and healer with an alternative approach. I draw upon my personal experience and experience with clients to enable each new client to move through a wide range of physical, emotional and spiritual transitions in the most efficient and transformative way possible.
My consultations are specifically tailored to the needs of each client, to make sure they receive the approach that works best for them. Time and again I have seen the incredible benefits my clients achieve from our consultations.
Please contact me to find out more.