The Summer Solstice, 21st June 2022 10:13am GMT. Welcome to the longest day of the year. A moment where the light of our days in the Northern Hemisphere enters into Cancer, and with it brings further illumination of our summer skies. So too it enters the realm of the initiation of our heart ❤️. The sign of cancer beckons us to explore the further reaches of our emotional landscape- our heart space of engagement with others and further connection to our empathic intelligence- our way of expressing our inner feelings in relationships with others. The warmth of the Sun’s rays reach the furthest crevices of our heart scape , offering us a moment to pause and examine how we engage with others and the importance of BEing with others- in a world where we rush from one thing to another it’s not uncommon to do many things at an unconscious level and arrive at the end of the evening to realize we have perhaps not been so Present in our discussions and interactions with others. SOL offers us her warmth and light to give purpose and new life to those emotional engagements so we may more COnsciously reap and renew those bonds and deepen our intuitive awareness and connections to those that matter most in our personal world. I wish you much Love, Light and Laughter on this Solstice evening. 💕❤️✨ #summersolstice #consciousness #heart #cancer #light